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Contact us

  Copy and paste the email address of the person you'd like to contact into your email client

 President: Josephine DeAngelis

 Vice President: Michelle Sparling

 Treasurer: Ellen Idelson

 Events: Debbie Crossley

 Membership: Donna Kramer

 Mentor: Josephine DeAngelis

 Website: Ira Idelson

 Not sure who to contact?

Angel on a Leash TM

13 Summit Square #136

Langhorne, PA 19047

+1 (215) 478-6762

Interested in joining us? Click here for more information.

Mission Statement

 Angel on a LeashTM, Inc. (AOAL), is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides volunteer therapy dog handler teams (Champions) to visit with anyone that would benefit from the human-canine bond in enhancing human health and quality of life. All handler-dog teams (Champions) are tested, certified, and registered by AOAL.  Additionally, during scheduled visits, our Champion teams are insured by AOAL.  

Angel on a LeashTM

a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization     

13 Summit Square   #136   

Langhorne, PA 19047 


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